Muhammet Ozturk, BS
Muhammet Ozturk is an Assistant Specialist with a bachelor’s degree in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Uskudar University, Turkey. He has broad experience in cellular and molecular neuroscience, having worked in several labs across Turkey, the UK, the USA, and Sweden. After completing a two-year Postgraduate Associate position at Harvard Medical School, where he focused on ALS-related RNA/DNA binding proteins and immune gene regulation, he transitioned to Dr. Ethan Winkler’s lab at UCSF where he led projects investigating vascularized cortical organoid models to explore cerebrovascular diseases.
Now, he is excited to continue his career in the Young lab, focusing on understanding the tumor microenvironment in glioblastoma. His research aims to uncover the complex cellular and molecular interactions within the GBM microenvironment and how these factors contribute to tumor progression, immune evasion, and therapeutic resistance. By leveraging his expertise in stem cell/organoid models, he hopes to develop more effective treatment strategies for GBM. Outside the lab, he enjoys dancing, singing (at least trying!), and going to scary escape rooms.